Symptoms of pneumonia

                    2023-08-02 09:53:13

                    Pneumonia is a very common respiratory disease, there are many hazards of pneumonia, but many people are not very aware of the disease, let's take a look at the symptoms of pneumonia.

                    、General symptoms

                    1. Shivering and high fever: the most typical symptom of pneumonia is sudden and persistent high fever. The body temperature is generally about 39 ℃ ~ 40 ℃, and it is often accompanied by headache, muscle soreness and other symptoms. Such symptoms are more common, especially in the elderly and the weak.

                    2. Cough and expectoration: the initial stage is irritative dry cough, and then white mucus sputum or bloody sputum can be coughed up. After 1-2 days, mucus bloody sputum or rust colored sputum can be coughed up, and purulent sputum can also be coughed up. In the dissipation stage, the amount of sputum increases, and the sputum is yellow and thin.

                    3. Chest pain: more severe side chest pain, often needle like, with cough or deep breathing and aggravation, can radiate to the shoulder or abdomen. If it is lower lobe pneumonia, it can stimulate septal pleura and cause severe abdominal pain, which is easy to be misdiagnosed as acute abdomen.

                    4. Dyspnea: pneumonia can cause dyspnea, rapid and shallow breathing in the lungs. When the disease is serious, it will directly affect the exchange of lung gas, which directly leads to the decrease of arterial oxygen saturation and cyanosis.

                    5. Other symptoms: a small number of nausea, vomiting, abdominal distension or diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms. Severe infection can appear blurred consciousness, irritability, drowsiness, coma and so on.

                    、Infantile symptoms

                    Coughing and breathing

                    To judge whether the child is suffering from pneumonia, it is necessary to see whether the child has cough, wheezing and dyspnea. Cough and asthma caused by cold and bronchitis are paroxysmal, and dyspnea generally does not occur.

                    If the cough and asthma are serious, and the respiratory rate increases at rest (i.e. the respiratory rate of infants less than 2 months old is more than 60 times / min; the respiratory rate of infants 2-12 months old is more than 50 times / min; the respiratory rate of infants 1-5 years old is more than 40 times / min), the nasal wings on both sides are one by one, and the lips are blue or purple. Once the above symptoms appear, it indicates that the condition is serious and cannot be delayed.

                    More than half of the pathogens of viral pneumonia are respiratory syncytial virus. This type of pneumonia accounts for one third of the total number of pneumonia in children.

                    It usually occurs in winter and spring. The most typical age of onset is 6 months to 3 years old. These children often have acute onset, first have "cold" symptoms, lasting for about 3 days, showing low fever (measuring body temperature at about 38 ℃), clear nose, cough, about 60% of the children may not have fever.

                    2-3 days later, the cough worsened, breathing fast and superficial, up to 60-100 times per minute. The most prominent symptoms are wheezing, suffocation, and prolonged exhalation. Sometimes the wheezing sound does not need to use a stethoscope. It can be heard as long as it is close to the child, and the child is very painful.



                    In order to discover children's pneumonia in time, careful mothers should also pay attention to children's mental state. If the child is in a good mood, can play and loves to laugh while having a fever, coughing and wheezing, the possibility of suffering from pneumonia is very small.

                    On the contrary, the child's poor mental state, blue lips, irritability, crying or sleeping, wind, a small number of children can appear delirium, which means that the child is more seriously ill, more likely to get pneumonia. In the early stage of pneumonia, the child may not have obvious mental changes, or may not be in a good mental state.


                    Pneumonia will significantly reduce appetite, children with pneumonia, do not eat, or a milk on crying restless. If the child has been diagnosed with pneumonia, should continue feeding, feeding, drink more soup food, if the child appetite loss, should be a small number of meals, breast-feeding infants should increase the number of times a day to enhance nutrition and physical strength.


                    Because the chest wall of a child is thin, sometimes blisters can be heard without a stethoscope, so careful parents can listen to the child's chest when he is quiet or asleep. When listening to a child's chest, the room temperature should be above 18 ℃. Take off the child's coat, gently stick the ears to the chest wall on both sides of the child's spine, and listen carefully.

                    Children with pneumonia can hear the sound of "Gulu Er" and "Gulu Er" when they inhale. Doctors call it small blister sound, which is an important sign of lung inflammation.

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